National Youth Track Coaches Association and Coach O
Ron Williams, President of NYTCA Brings Benefits from Coach O to the National Youth Track Coaches Association Members!
NYTCA is pleased to announce its new alliance with Coach O, and members of the National Youth Track Coaches Association.
Coach O is offering a 10% discount for all VS Athletics products that are ordered online. Please type "CoachO" at checkout and get 10% on all items (except Finish Lynx products).
Orders can be placed by visiting vsathletics.com
The discount will run through 6/1/2014
About Coach O: www.coacho.com
Coach O and all of his brands and marketing programs focus on quality and fulfilling the athlete’s needs. Because of this focus, a wide variety of athletes – from grass roots to young stars of tomorrow to Olympians – rely on services provided by Coach O. In addition to doing business in 47 of the 50 states, Coach O is also working with athletes and coaches in Canada, the Bahamas and Jamaica.
About National Youth Track Coaches Association:
The National Youth Track Coaches Association (NYTCA) shall act as the representative of the coaches of youth athletes for USA Track & Field.
Developing interest and participation in the coaching of Athletics in the United States at the youth level;
Promoting Youth Athletics and athletes by promoting outstanding technical and ethical coaching, and by cooperating with and encouraging other organizations which promote the coaching of youth athletes; and
Generating public awareness, appreciation, and support for Youth Athletics, USATF, and thus creating opportunities for athletes and coaches in youth.
Additional information on NYTCA can be found at http://www.nytca.org.